MAKING COSMETICS 2023 | Milan, Italy

From november 22th to 23th | Allianz MiCo | Hall 4, Stand 388

For the first time Roboqbo takes the stage at Making Cosmetics, the scientific event addressed to the cosmetic industry. Come and visit us to explore the Qbo system possibilities and the high quality standards you in cosmetic field you can get with the all-in-one technology.
Our Qbos in Making Cosmetics:
  • Qbo15 [operating]
  • Qbo5
Corporate Team LIVE DEMO Calendar
Demo Calendar – 22/11
  • 11.00 a.m Mascara
  • 02.30 p.m Foudation
  • 04.30 p.m Slurry
Demo Calendar – 23/11
  • 11.00 a.m Mascara
  • 02.30 p.m Foundation


The new era of cosmetics.